Christian musique concrete/psych comp
Where I live there's about a dozen op shops within a healthsome walking distance. My favourite of them has yielded up Tod Dockstader's first LP, and French Phillips pressings of Gainsbourg - among other choice booty. Once I missed out on an I Cantori Moderni di Alessandroni vinyl there, after I'd strolled in on a whim but without any cash on me - by the time I got back (not long!), it'd gone.

I initially figured this one to be barely deserving of a moment's glance - the cover is so unforgivably daggy. But something about it was strangely compelling - I went back to it, pulled it out the rack and gave a squizz to the back...

THIS is what I pulled up on:

Thank you, umm, God!
... Probably the most unlikely vinyl I've pulled at my local, this one documents a concert series presented at a NYC Presbyterian church in 1968. Custom pressing, & silk-screen cover. File it under "evangelical/freak".
The late '60s saw a genuine renaissance in Christian liturgical music - think of Pierre Henry & Michel Colombier's "Messe pour le temps present" (Eng: Mass for Today). This music here is brut/naif rock & vocal choir, with riotous electronic noise blasting the ears of the unsanctified on the very first track (about 2 minutes in).
Download it here

I initially figured this one to be barely deserving of a moment's glance - the cover is so unforgivably daggy. But something about it was strangely compelling - I went back to it, pulled it out the rack and gave a squizz to the back...

THIS is what I pulled up on:

Thank you, umm, God!
... Probably the most unlikely vinyl I've pulled at my local, this one documents a concert series presented at a NYC Presbyterian church in 1968. Custom pressing, & silk-screen cover. File it under "evangelical/freak".
The late '60s saw a genuine renaissance in Christian liturgical music - think of Pierre Henry & Michel Colombier's "Messe pour le temps present" (Eng: Mass for Today). This music here is brut/naif rock & vocal choir, with riotous electronic noise blasting the ears of the unsanctified on the very first track (about 2 minutes in).
Download it here
Labels: jesus freaks, musique concrete, op shop pop
Blessed be Jim Knox. Jesus definitely loves you.
late 60's AND 1970 it seems. This new creation disc takes the the fierce/fugged chunks of the monster you have published amnd runs with it check: (some neato sound bites included).
record needle performs stigmata ... justin timberlake swims with bear !!!
ummm i'd like to hear this one too , but alas it be down as well ...
... presently re-uploading, should be back for DL in a couple hours.
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